Darkrp Rules

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General Rules
1.1 Cheating, Exploiting or Crashing the server, is not permitted.
1.2 RDM (Random Death Match) is not allowed. RDM Counts as killing someone who has not done anything to provoke it.
1.3 You must wait at least 4 minutes before returning to the area you died, this is NLR. You may not interfere with the player's RP during NLR, E.g. Dying at the bank and then going to the corrupt banker.
1.4 Scamming or Abusing a glitch/loophole is not tolerated. Only printer and bitminer scamming is permitted.
1.5 Trolling will not be accepted.
1.6 Use common sense. As a player in an admin situation, do not interrupt any other sits or attempt to walk away.
1.7 Staffs say is final.
1.8 Spamming and microphone spamming is not allowed.
1.9 RDA (Random Arrest) is not tolerated.
1.10 Prop pushing and prop surfing are not allowed.
1.11 Gang wars are not allowed only with permission from the Manager or above.
1.12 Fading/keypad door abuse is not allowed. (Using personal doors while been raided). You cannot spam keys or fading/keypad door button, to prevent a raider getting inside.
1.13 Weapons carried by specific jobs, should not be dropped to others or inventoried for yourself.
1.14 You must advert when mugging, kidnapping, raiding the PD/Bank/Jewelry store, warning someone to go away or stealing Money bags, Gold shipments and Jewelry bags from a player.
1.15 When warning someone to go away etc, you must advert the warning 3 times with at least 1 second in between each advert. You may not abuse adverting warning to kill people for no valid reason, such as the player has not done anything to provoke you. (This is classed as RDM). You must be within 1 meter of the player you wish to advert warn otherwise you cannot kill them, if the player keeps coming back you may kill the player. You may only advert what is needed without any added unnecessary detail. You may not have multi adverts. E.g: Raid/Mug/Steal/Warning 1/2/3. "Bank/PD Raid/Jewelry" is the only allowed multi advert.
1.16 Roleplay, building, basing in spawn/safe zone is not permitted. (Roleplaying in mining area is allowed). Roleplay E.g: Mugging, kidnapping, stealing, completing a hit, etc. Do not abuse safe zones to escape or avoid a roleplay situation.
1.17 Angle abuse will not be tolerated. (Viewing the other person from an angle where they can't see you.
1.18 No battering ram abuse, you may only battering ram doors.
1.19 No"RDM Wars" if you and a friend kill each other over and over it will be classed as RDM.
1.20 You may not make an "RDM Box" you cannot have or place a room and invite people to kill each other inside. This is also classed as RDM.
1.21 The trade of real currency for in-game items or in-game cash and vice versa is not tolerated.
1.22 You may only have one account connected to any of our servers at once, I.E Do not connect more than one account (Alts) at once.
1.23 You must have a clear relation to your friends whom you wish to defend in raids, mugs etc, I.E. Clan tags, same base ownership on doors etc.
1.24 Impersonation is not allowed (pretending to be an admin, another player or in a clan)
1.25 You may not put any links in the chat. (Discord, YouTube, etc.)1.26 Do not shoot staff when they are on duty.
1.27 Do not shoot players inside safe zones.
1.28 Crossfire/missclick can still count as RDM.
1.29 Do not make false reports.

2.1 When you’re building a base, place a ‘Building’ sign outside. You may not have a 'Building' sign when building in the Bank, Police Department or Jewelry Store.
2.2 You cannot have any raidable entities whilst using a building sign.
2.3 You’re only allowed 3 fading/keypad doors and, this includes printers, I.E. Do not put windows around your printers.
2.4 Crouch and jump bases are disallowed. You may not have props that force the raider to crouch or jump to get past.
2.5 Your base must have a clear entrance. Base entrances must be visible
2.6 Any entities should be accessible to interact with, but not necessarily steal.
2.7 Fake keypads/buttons aren’t allowed. Hidden keypads are allowed as long as near the entrance, and not materialize/colored to be nearly invisible or hard to see. Keypads should be near the door they’re opening. Fading/keypad doors should open for a minimum of 8 seconds. You may not have a fading/keypad with an open delay of more than 2 seconds
2.8 Your base must be raidable by everybody.
2.9 Do not build in places you don’t own. Do not build on the streets unless it's a police checkpoint, hobo homes, and a tunnel base.(Not even above the street, Fine if respecting rule 2.15)
2.10 One way shooting is not allowed. (They must be able to shoot and see you too when you are shooting them, think of being fair.
2.11 You’re not allowed to RP when you’re building. (IE kidnapping, mugging etc)
2.12 Prop climbing is not allowed, unless having a building sign up to assist building your base.2.13 If a player has a building sign up do not enter the base/area unless told to do so by the person building otherwise this is classed as FailRP.
2.14 Tunnel bases are allowed but there must be a gap that allows for 2 players to move through side by side with ease (Unless the tunnel leads to a dead-end). The entrance of spawn tunnel bases must be facing the opposite of spawn, E.g. Entrance facing the beach in the small spawn tunnel.
2.15 Sky Bases are allowed but the majority of the base has to be on a building rooftop and the entrance has to be on the world-building too.
2.16 World Glow / One way material is only allowed for viewing and not shooting (It is not to be used as a view and shoot, for example, do not make a wall of world glow then put a gap and look for the player then shoot through the gap this would be considered one-way abuse).
2.17 Fading/Keypad/defense doors should be clearly visible.
2.18 All KOS/Building Signs must be clearly visible in front of the base or area. You must use a visible font, color and size (Minimum size of 50)
2.19 The following are the only allowed KOS signs. They may be combined. (Raiding, raiding tools out, past/on line(s), inside, on-ramp, shooting at base and messing with keypad).
2.20 You may not have stacked doors or no-collided layers of your entrance to prevent pick-locking or the destruction of defense doors (or even a portion of the doors). Although you may have a separate entrance/exit for personal use.
2.21 You may not use props to make multiple doors that raiders need to go through. You should only have 3 things that need to be gone through to have access to your whole base.
2.22 You may not have large sky bridges for the entrance or walkway to your base.
2.23 You may not have any kind of pixel-perfect gaps to get through your base, this includes fading/keypad doors. This includes thin props and props facing vertically towards you. You must be able to get through with ease.
2.24 Modifying your base while being raided is not allowed, E.g. No-colliding a part of your base. This is classified as FailRP.
2.25 Trap bases are disallowed, I.E. Preventing players from leaving the same way they entered.
2.26 Sliding bases are not allowed, I.E. Impeding players movement.
2.28 No unfair advantages are allowed at all.
2.29 Maze, Black, White, Mirror and Invisible bases are not allowed.(Any uni color base aren't allowed.)
2.30 Do not use materials that cause props to "flash", unless it's a DJ Floor.
2.31 Layered bases are disallowed, I.E Forcing players to go through multiple levels.
2.32 You are only allowed only 1 players set of props per base. E.g Can't have 2-part bases.

3.1 You’re not allowed to raid a base that has a building sign.
3.2 You're not allowed to raid the same building or base twice within 20 minutes.
3.3 Medics are not allowed to raid on their own. (But can raid if hired by a group)
3.4 Killing innocent bystanders while raiding is not permitted. Unless, they annoy or interfere you, but you have to warn 3 times.
3.5 You may not take over someone's base and must not stay longer than 15 minutes. If there are no valuables in the base, this counts as the raid is over and you must leave as soon as possible.
3.6 Nerve Gas should ONLY be used in raids or defending raids from inside the base!
3.7 You can only fire 4 explosives as the maximum per raid. For a megabase, you can fire 8 explosives.
3.8 You must advert when raiding or countering the Bank/PD/Jewelry. When countering a Bank, PD or Jewelry raid, you must advert either 'Bank/PD/Jewelry raid' or 'Bank/PD/Jewelry counter'.
3.9 You may not counter/raid a building if you do not have an intent to actually raid, I.E. Countering a base just to kill the raiders.
3.10 You are not allowed raid a gun shelf if its empty.
3.11 You are not allowed to raid the same gun shelf within 10 minutes.

4.1 As a Citizen you cannot have a base with raidable entities.
4.2 As a Hobo you cannot have a base with raidable entities. As a Hobo you can build on the street.
4.3 Bank Manager or Security Guards (Which are hired) are the only ones who can base in the bank(The bank manger cannot kill any government officials)
4.4 Bloods and Crips cannot base together.
4.5 If you make a megabase, you must have at least 8 people.
4.6 You can have a maximum of 3 buildings (Which are located closely together) for a megabase.

5.1 Maximum mugging is $25,000.
5.2 You must give the victim at least 15 seconds to drop the money.
5.3 If the victim runs, or doesn’t drop the money, you’re allowed to kill them.
5.4 There’s a cooldown of 5 minutes between each mug. You may not mug the same person for 30 minutes.
5.5 Muggings must be adverted.
5.6 The victim is allowed to fight back. You are allowed to kill the victim if the victim pulls out a weapon.
5.8 You may not group mug, or have multiple people mug someone at a time for more money.
5.9 You may not have complex mug adverts. You must only advert what is needed.5.10 You may not mug someone who is running.
5.11 Mugging people that are mining is not allowed.
5.12 You may not mug law enforcement except for the President.

6.1 There’s a 5-minute cooldown between each kidnapping. You cannot kidnap the same person again for 30 minutes.
6.2 You may not hold the kidnapped person for over 30 minutes.
6.3 Maximum kidnapping ransom is $150,000.
6.4 You must give the victim at least 10 seconds to follow you.
6.5 If the victim doesn't follow you, you're allowed to kill them.
6.6 Kidnappings must be adverted.
6.7 The victim is allowed to fight back. You are allowed to kill the victim if the victim pulls out a weapon.
6.8 You must have a weapon out to kidnap a person, otherwise, this is classed as FailRP.
6.9 You may not kidnap someone that has a weapon out, otherwise, this is classed as FailRP.
Potential update to server